Monday, March 12, 2012

Blog 5Absent In the book "How the Garcia Girls lost their Accents" one character who's had their identity shaped by events in the story is Sofia. With the love letters that Sofia's dad read and with her disobedience, she was the youngest out of all the daughters and the frist to leave. She's the only daughter who didn't confront their father before getting married. All the other daughters in the book got the dads acceptance before getting married. She was sent to New York which definitely shaped her identity because she had to adapt to her environment like anyone else who moves to different areas. Sofia getting married to Otto shaped her identity because Otto is German and not Dominican so just from that she follows some what a different culture because of her husband. I think all the negative events in "How the Garcia Girls lost their Accents" helped in a positive way. The saying "What hurts me only makes me stronger" definitely relates to the events in this book. An example is when one of the girls were being made fun of everyday by American boys from her school. I know from experience that it helps you in a positive way. Now in the future if she gets made fun of it won't hurt her as bad as it could. Also Sofia getting married to a man who is German is positive because it shows the family that you don't have to marry somone of the same race to find true love. Another positive event that happened was when Sofia was sent out of the Dominican Republic. It's always good to raise your horizon by visiting different places and meeting new people. In the situation in the world I think race and stereotypic comments have alot to do with the "National Conversation". In the world that we live in people think that if your black your fast and can jump and for white boys they can shoot when it comes to basketball. Also for Asians people think that if they play basketball they have to be extremely tall like Yao Ming. Obviously that is a false statement since Jeremy Lin really showed that he can be a scorer this past basketball season. Like Kobe Bryant or michael Jordan they just weren't accepted into the league. They got into the league because of hardwork and dedication and thats what people should think about instead of race. Jeremy Lin showed that he could play and worked on his skill nonstop for him to make it to the NBA, so I think overall people need to be less stereotypic.

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