Friday, March 2, 2012

Person of Interest: Jeremy Lin A trip deep into the heart of Linsanity What Jeremy Lin is doing is very outstanding. In the NBA there are not alot of asian basketball players, except Yao Ming and for him to be scoreing 38 points on Kobe Bryant's team is simply amazing. I find it interesting that his dad taught him how to shoot like Larry Bird when he was young, even though he end up changing his shooting style. I like how they said "athletes of an anomalous race can only succeed in cities where their "peoples" are well represented." Then after he brought up a very famous baseball player to prove his point. Out of the last six games he scored over 20 points as a point-guard and scored a career high against the Lakers. I would definitely recomend this article to anyone who likes sports. This articles shows people that any race can play a sport, and hardwork and dedication is what you need to succeed. Monica Yant Kinney: Pa. bill preventing local gun crackdowns would be travesty I agee with people who loose armed weapons or have them stolen should tell the police imediately. Alot of crimes deal with armed weapons and many people are killed because of that. I think if the person who lost the armed weapon or got it stolen are fined, the person would definitely learn his/her leason. It also makes the world a safer place because if somone who can't get a gun because of criminal records recieves or steals a gun from a friend, the outcame can be many deaths. I knew that Pennsylvania had alot of gun violence especially in Philly, but the statistics is what really interest me. "Pennsylvania ranks first (worst) in the nation for having the most guns go "missing" from dealers. Between 2008 and 2010, more than 6,000 firearms somehow disappeared from licensed Pennsylvania gun shops." Thats very eye catching, and for that very reason I think Pennsylvania needs stricter gun laws. Elie Wiesel: Mitt Romney Should Tell Mormon Church To Stop Performing Posthumous Proxy Baptisms On Jews I strongly agree with the Morman church not being able to posthumous proxy baptise Jews. Being baptised is apart of the Christian religion which the Mormans are apart of. The way I see the situation, posthumous proxy baptism would be going against the Jews religion. The Christians believe that Jesus was there Mesiah and thats the reason why they get baptised but the Jews believe that Jesus was not the Mesiah and that the Mesiah has not come yet. So I don't understand why the Mormans would baptise the dead Jews because they didn't have a chance when they were alive, when they don't believe Jesus was the Mesiah. I also think it's disrespectful that the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had submitted Wiesel's name to a restricted genealogy website as "ready" for posthumous proxy baptism. If thats not apart of their religion, the Jews shouldn't be posthumous proxy baptised. Posted 3 weeks ago by TroyJones75

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